Friday, October 10, 2008

ACORN and the Obama Saga

I find it absolutely unbelievable how the election has been going in this last week.  I watched the Presidential debate this week and I can not believe how many times I heard John McCain say "my friends" or talk about his bipartisan politics.  And the way that Obama wont come out and even comment on the whole William Ayers issue I believe is also unreal.  The best part about it is how Obama's media strategist David Axelrod came out and said that they were quite friendly early on in his political career and how he (Obama) should not be accused of poor judgement because he was only 8 years old when Ayers committed his felony terrorist activities.  

The real reason why I decided to come off of my economic blogosphere, especially in a week where we have seen the DOW Jones have its worst week in its over one hundred year history, is because of the current events that are transpiring with ACORN and how the Obama campaign along with other Democrats is so willing to scream the word RAAAAACCCISSSSMMM! at any possible point.  

This is absolutely unreal.  The fact that ACORN has been credited with registering 105% of the population of Indianapolis, Indiana.  Lets think about this for a total of 3 seconds...WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THAT EVEN CLOSE TO 70% OF A LARGE METROPOLITAN AREA WAS REGISTERED TO VOTE.......ITS NEVER HAPPEND!  The other fact ACORN offices were raided in Nevada this week and it was found that convicted felon's, some even guilty of identity theft, were "helping" people register to vote with falsified addresses or even social security numbers.  The entire Dallas Cowboys NFL team is now registered to vote in Nevada too.  Interesting.  The worst part about it is the fact that ACORN workers have been driving homeless Chicago residents to Ohio to vote in the polling places that opened early...because of a loophole found by the Democratic Party.

This election is absolutely disgusting.  The Obama campaign has run the dirtiest campaign I have ever seen.  Obama's campaign has tried to crowd out reporters on the radio who are trying to report on the William Ayers story, Obama IS connected with ACORN and they are committing widespread fraud in battleground states to help win the election for Obama.  The worst thing about it is how Obama was an advocate of Campaign Finance reform and then decided not to take government money so he could exceed the Gov't spending limits in place...Oh and then there is the whole issue about how Obama's campaign has taken contributions from a variety of overseas donors...Also, illegal.  

Obama is a crook, and his campaign is the most dishonest thing the United States has ever come in contact with.  If Obama is "elected", out of fraud, I would not be surprised to see the election go to the Supreme Court and then be overturned in favor of McCain because of the widespread fraud and illegal activities of the Obama campaign.

I know that anyone who reads this and is for some un-educated reason a Liberal, would call me a racist.  This is the way that the Left has labeled every single attack on the Obama campaign.  In this blog I have not said anything racist or racially motivated...but please I hope that some Leftist-Socialist is able to show me how I am a racist...only because I do not and will never support Barack Obama not because of his color, but because of the content of his character.  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Senate Passes the Bailout Bill

In the wee hours of the morning last night the Senate decided to pass the 700 billion dollar "bailout" bill in order to help free up the credit markets worldwide.  The once very straightforward bill, consisting of less than 10 pages has now grown to an astronomical level of over 400.  The bill has been "sweetened" with everything from an increase in FDIC insurance levels, from $100,000 to $250,000, to a mental health bill amongst others.  Many of the leaders of both parties are hoping that these sweeteners will help get the bill passed quickly, as we are seeing that it is very much needed, especially in the credit markets.  
Through the last week we have seen WaMu and Wachovia both go down in the United States as well as multiple overseas banks become "nationalized" meaning that they are now owned by the government.  
I am a free market economist and most of the time I am totally and completely against any government interaction with the market.  This however is needed.  The stimulus package will not help line the pockets of Wall Street executives, the point of this is to help lending agencies have enough cash to keep their lines of credit active to the hundreds of thousands of small businesses that line our countries "Main Streets".  
I really hope that House is able to vote this bill into law.  It is very needed, and I even might think that Dubyahhh might be right when he said that if it is not passed it could halt commerce and create a domino effect of small business closures.  

McCain-Palin 2008, if not for anything it for the economy